Amatul Rahman Omar - Sura: 107. Al-Ma'un - Acts of Kindness

  1. Have you considered the case of one who belies the Requital and Faith?

  2. As a result of it this (despicable) fellow (instead of taking care of him with affection) repulses the orphan,

  3. And does not urge in feeding of the needy.

  4. So woe to those who Pray,

  5. But are unmindful of their Prayer (and ignore the spirit and aim of it),

  6. And they like (only) to be seen (of people while they make a show of their deeds),

  7. And who withhold (legal) alms and other acts of kindness (starting from the Zakât to the lowest form of lending ordinary things of utility like a needle or a piece of thread to a neighbour).


Sura 106Sura 108