Ta. Sin. Mim. 1
THESE ARE MESSAGES of the divine writ, clear in itself and clearly showing the truth 2
Wouldst thou, perhaps, torment thyself to death [with grief] because they [who live around thee] refuse to believe [in it]? 3
Had We so willed, We could have sent down unto them a message from the skies, so that their necks would Ibe forced tol bown down before it in humility. 4
[But We have not willed it:] and so, whenever there comes unto them any fresh reminder from the Most Gracious, they [who are blind of heart] always turn their backs upon it:
thus, indeed, have they given the lie [to this message as well]. But [in time] they will come to understand what it was that they were wont to deride! 5
Have they, then, never considered the earth-how much of every noble kind [of life] We have caused to grow thereon?
In this, behold, there is a message [unto men], even though most of them will not believe [in it].
But, verily, thy Sustainer- He alone - is almighty, a dispenser of grace! 6
HENCE, [remember how it was] when thy Sustainer summoned Moses: "Go unto those evildoing people,
the people of Pharaoh, who refuse to be conscious of Me!" 7
He answered: "O my Sustainer! Behold, I fear that they will give me the lie,
and then my breast will be straitened and my tongue will not be free: send, then, [this Thy command] to Aaron. 8
Moreover, they keep a grave charge [pending] against me, and I fear that they will slay me." 9
Said He: "Not so, indeed! Go forth, then, both of you, with Our messages: verily, We shall be with you, listening [to your call]!
And go, both of you, unto Pharaoh and say, 'Behold, we bear a message from the Sustainer of all the worlds:
Let the children of Israel go with us!' "
[But when Moses had delivered his message, Pharaoh] said: "Did we not bring thee up among us when thou wert a child? And didst thou not spend among us years of thy [later] life?
And yet thou didst commit that [heinous] deed of thine, 10 and [hast thus shown that] thou art one of the ingrate!"
Replied [Moses!: "I committed it while I was still going astray;
and I fled from you because I feared you. But [since] then my Sustainer has endowed me with the ability to judge [between right and wrong], 11 and has made me one of [His] message-bearers.
And [as for] that favour of which thou so tauntingly remindest me-[was it not] due to thy having enslaved the children of Israel?" 12
Said Pharaoh: "And what [and who] is that 'Sustainer of all the worlds'?" 13
[Moses] answered: "[He is] the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them: if you would but [allow yourselves to] be convinced ! " 14
Said [Pharaoh] unto those around him: "Did you hear [what he said]?" 15
[And Moses] continued: "[He is] your Sus-tainer, [too,] as well as the Sustainer of your fore-fathers of old!"
[Pharaoh] exclaimed: "Behold, [this] your 'apostle' who [claims that he] has been sent unto you is mad indeed!"
[But Moses] went on: "[He of whom I speak is] the Sustainer of the east and the west and of all that is between the two 16 - [as you would know] if you would but use your reason!"
Said [Pharaoh]: "Indeed, if thou choose to worship any deity other than me, I shall most certainly throw thee into prison! 17
Said he: "Even if I should bring about before thee something that clearly shows the truth?" 18
[Pharaoh] answered: "Produce it, then, if thou art a man of truth!"
Thereupon [Moses] threw down his staff - and lo! it was a serpent, plainly visible;
and he drew forth his hand - and lo! it appeared [shining] white the heholders. 19
Said [Pharaoh] unto the great ones around him "Verily, this is indeed a sorcerer of great knowledge
who wants to drive you out of your land by his sorcery. 20 What, then, do you advise?"
They answered: "Let him and his brother wait a while, and send unto all cities heralds
who shall assemble before thee all sorcerers of great knowledge."
And so the sorcerers were assembled at a set time on a certain day,
and the people were asked: "Are you all present,
so that we might follow [in the footsteps of] the sorcerers if it is they who prevail?" 21
Now when the sorcerers came, they said unto Pharaoh: "Verily, we ought to have a great reward if it is we who prevail." 22
Answered he: "Yea-and, verily, in that case you shall be among those who are near unto me."
[And] Moses said unto them: "Throw whatever you are going to throw!"
Thereupon they threw their [magic] ropes and their staffs, and said: "By Pharaoh's might, behold, it is we indeed who have prevailed!" 23
[But] then Moses threw his staff-and lo! it swallowed up all their deceptions. 24
And down fell the sorcerers, prostrating them-selves in adoration,
[and] exclaimed: "We have come to believe in the Sustainer of all the worlds,
the Sustainer of Moses and Aaron!"
Said [Pharaoh]: "Have you come to believe in him 25 ere I have given you permission? Verily, he must be your master who has taught you magic! 26 But in time you shall come to know [my revenge]: most certainly shall I cut off your hands and your feet great numbers, because of [your] perverseness, and shall most certainly crucify you in great numbers, all together!" 27
They answered: "No harm [canst thou do to us]: verily, unto our Sustainer do we turn!
Behold, we [but] ardently desire that our Sustainer forgive us our faults in return for our having been foremost among the believers!"
AND [there came a time 28 when] We inspired Moses thus: "Go forth with My servants by night: for, behold, you will be pursued!"
And Pharaoh sent heralds unto all cities,
[bidding them to call out his troops and to proclaim:] "Behold, these [children of Israel] are but a contemptible band; 29
but they are indeed filled with hatred of us
seeing that we are, verily, a nation united, fully prepared against danger 30 -
and so we have [rightly] driven them out of [their] gardens and springs,
and [deprived them of their erstwhile] station of honour!" 31
Thus it was: but [in the course of time] We were to bestow all these [things] as a heritage on the children of Israel. 32
And so [the Egyptians] caught up with them at sunrise;
and as soon as the two hosts came in sight of one another, the followers of Moses exclaimed: "Behold, we shall certainly be overtaken [and defeated]!"
He replied: "Nay indeed! My Sustainer is with me, [and] He will guide me!"
Thereupon We inspired Moses thus: "Strike the sea with thy staff!" - whereupon it parted, and each part appeared like a mountain vast. 33
And We caused the pursuers 34 to draw nea unto that place:
and We saved Moses and all who were with him,
and then We caused the others to drown. 35
In this [story], behold, there is a message [unto all men], even though most of them will not believe [in it].
And yet, verily, thy Sustainer - He alone - is almighty, a dispenser of grace! 36
AND CONVEY unto them 37 the story of Abraham
[how it was] when he asked his father and his people, "What is it that you worship?"
They answered: "We worship idols, and we remain ever devoted to them."
Said he: "Do [you really think that] they hear you when you invoke them,
or benefit you or do you harm?"
They exclaimed: "But we found our fore-fathers doing the same!" 38
Said [Abraham]: "Have you, then, ever con-sidered what it is that you have been worshipping-
you and those ancient forebears of yours?
"Now [as for me, I know that,] verily, these [false deities] are my enemies, [and that none is my helper] save the Sustainer of all the worlds,
who has created me and is the One who guides me,
and is the One who gives me to eat and to drink,
and when I fall ill, is the One who restores me to health,
and who will cause me to die and then will bring me back to life-
and who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on Judgment Day!
"O my Sustainer! Endow me with the ability to judge [between right and wrong], and make me one with the righteous,
and grant me the power to convey the truth unto those who will come after me, 39
and place me among those who shall inherit the garden of bliss!
"And forgive my father - for, verily, he is among those who have gone astray 40 -
and do not put me to shame on the Day when all shall be raised from the dead: 41
the Day on which neither wealth will be of any use, nor children,
[and when] only he [will be happy] who comes before God with a heart free of evil!"
For, [on that Day,] paradise will be brought within sight of the God-conscious,
whereas the blazing fire witl be laid open before those who had been lost in grievous error;
and they will be asked: "Where now is all that you were wont to worship
instead of God? 42 Can these [things and beings] be of any help to you or to themselves?"
Thereupon they will be hurled into hell 43 - they, as well as all [others] who had been lost in grievous error,
and the hosts of Iblis - all together. 44
And there and then, blaming one another, 45 they [who had grievously sinned in life] will exclaim:
"By God, we were most obviously astray
when we deemed you [false deities] equal to the Sustainer of all the worlds-
yet they who have seduced us [into believing in you] are the truly guilty ones! 46
And now we have none to intercede for us,
nor any loving friend.
Would that we had a second chance [in life], 47 so that we could be among the believers!"
In all this, behold, there is a message [unto men], even though most of them will not believe [in it].
But, verily, thy Sustainer - He alone - is almiahtv, a dispenser of grace! 48
THE PEOPLE of Noah [too] gave the lie to [one of God's] message-bearers
when their brother Noah said unto them: "Will you not be conscious of God?
Behold, I am an apostle [sent by Him] to you, [and therefore] worthy of your trust:
be, then, conscious of God, and pay heed unto me!
"And no reward whatever do I ask of you for it: my reward rests with none but the Sustainer of all the worlds.
Hence, remain conscious of God. and pay heed unto me!"
They answered: "Shall we place our faith in thee, even though [only] the most abject [of people] follow thee?" 49
Said he: "And what knowledge could I have as to what they were doing [before they came to me]?
Their reckoning rests with none but my Sus-tainer: if you could but understand [this]! 50
Hence, I shall not drive away [any of] those [who profess to be] believers;
I am nothing but a plain warner."
Said they: "Indeed, if thou desist not, O Noah, thou wilt surely be stoned to death!" 51
[Whereupon] he prayed: "O my Sustainer! Behold, my people have given me the lie:
hence, lay Thou wide open the truth between me and them, 52 and save me and those of the believers who are with me!"
And so We saved him and those [who were] with him in the fully-laden ark,
and then We caused those who stayed behind to drown. 53
In this [story], behold, there is a message [unto men], 54 even though most of them will not believe [in it].
But, verily, thy Sustainer - He alone-is almighty, a dispenser of grace!
[AND the tribe of] Ad gave the lie to [one of God's] message-bearers
when their brother Hud 55 said unto them: "Will you not be conscious of God?
Behold, I am an apostle [sent by Him] to you, [and therefore] worthy of your trust:
be, then, conscious of God, and pay heed unto me!.
"And no reward whatever do I ask of you for it: my reward rests with none but the Sustainer of all the worlds.
"Will you, in your wanton folly, build [idolatrous] altars on every height, 56
and make for yourselves mighty castles, [hoping] that you might become immortal? 57
And will you [always], whenever you lay hand [on others], lay hand [on them] cruelly, without any restraint? 58
"Be, then, conscious of God and pay heed unto me:
and [thus] be conscious of Him who has [so] amply provided you with all [the good] that you might think of 59 -
amply provided you with flocks, and children,
and gardens, and springs -:
for, verily, I fear lest suffering befall you on an awesome day!"
[But] they answered: "It is all one to us whether thou preaches" [something new] or art not of those who [like to] preach.
This [religion of ours] is none other than that to which our forebears clung, 60
and we are not going to be chastised [for adhering to it]!"
And so they gave him the lie: and thereupon We destroyed them. In this [story], behold, there is a message [unto men], even though most of them will not believe [in it]. 61
But, verily, thy Sustainer-He alone-is almighty. a dispenser of grace!
[AND the tribe of] Thamud gave the lie to [one of God's] message-bearers
when their brother Salih 62 said unto them: "Will you not be conscious of God?
Behold, I am an apostle [sent by Him] to you, [and therefore] worthy of your trust:
be, then, conscious of God, and pay heed unto me!
"And no reward whatever do I ask of you for it: my reward rests with none but the Sustainer of all the worlds.
"Do you think that you will be left secure [forever] in the midst of what you have here and now? 63 -
amidst [these] gardens and springs
and fields, and [these] palm-trees with slender spathes?-
and that you will [always be able to] hew dwellings out of the mountains with [the same] great skill? 64
"Be, then, conscious of God, and pay heed unto me,
and pay no heed to the counsel of those who are given to excesses-
those who spread corruption on earth instead of setting things to rights!"
Said they: "Thou art but one of the bewitched!
Thou art nothing but a mortal like ourselves! Come, then, forward with a token [of thy mission] 65 if thou art a man of truth!"
Replied he: "This she-camel 66 shall have a share of water, and you shall have a share of water, on the days appointed [therefor]; 67
and do her no harm, lest suffering befall you on an awesome day!"
But they cruelly slaughtered her - and then they had cause to regret it: 68
for the suffering [predicted by Salih] befell them [then and there]. In this [story], behold, there is a message [unto men], even though most of them will not believe [in it]. 69
But, verily, thy Sustainer - He alone -is almighty, a dispenser of grace!
[AND] the people of Lot 70 gave the lie to [one of God's] message-bearers
when their brother Lot said unto them: "Will you not be conscious of God?
Behold, I am an apostle [sent by Him] to you, [and therefore] worthy of your trust:
be, then, conscious of God, and pay heed unto me!
"And no reward whatever do I ask of you for it: my reward rests with none but the Sustainer of all the worlds.
"Must you, of all people, [lustfully] approach men,
keeping yourselves aloof from all the [lawful] spouses whom your Sustainer has created for you? Nay, but you are people who transgress all bounds of what is right!"
Said they: "Indeed, if thou desist not, O Lot, thou wilt most certainly be expelled [from this township]!"
[Lot] exclaimed: "Behold, I am one of those who utterly abhor your doings!"
[And then he prayed:] "O my Sustainer! Save me and my household from all that they are doing!"
Thereupon We saved him and all his household -
all but an old woman, who was among those that stayed behind; 71
and then We utterly destroyed the others,
and rained down upon them a rain [of destruction]: 72 and dire is such rain upon all who let themselves be warned [to no avail]! 73
In this [story], behold, there is a message [unto men], even though most of them will not be-lieve [in it].
But, verily, thy Sustainer- He alone - is almighty, a dispenser of grace!
[AND] the dwellers of the wooded dales [of Madyan] gave the lie to [one of God's] message-bearers
when their brother Shutayb 74 said unto them: "Will you not be conscious of God?
Behold, I am an apostle [sent by Him] to you, [and therefore] worthy of your trust:
be, then, conscious of God, and pay heed unto me!
"And no reward whatever do I ask of you for it: my reward rests with none but the Sustainer of all the worlds.
"[Always] give full measure, and be not among those who [unjustly] cause loss [to others];
and [in all your dealings] weigh with a true balance,
and do not deprive people of what is rightfully theirs; 75 and do not act wickedly on earth by spreading corruption,
but be conscious of Him who has created you, just as [He created] those countless generations of old!" 76
Said they: "Thou art but one of the be-witched,
for thou art nothing but a mortal like ourselves! And. behold. we think that thou art a consummate liar! 77
Cause, then, fragments of the sky to fall down upon us, if thou art a man of truth!"
Answered [Shu'ayb]: "My Sustainer knows fully well what you are doing."
But they gave him the lie. And thereupon suffering overtook them on a day dark with shadows: 78 and, verily, it was the suffering of an awesome day!
In this [story], behold, there is a message [unto men], even though most of them will not believe [in it].
But, verily, thy Sustainer - He alone - is almighty, a dispenser of grace! 79
NOW, BEHOLD, this [divine writ] has indeed been bestowed from on high by the Sustainer of all the worlds: 80
trustworthy divine inspiration has alighted with it from on high
upon thy heart, [O Muhammad,] 81 so that thou mayest be among those who preach
in the clear Arabic tongue. 82
And, verily, [the essence of] this [revelation] is indeed found in the ancient books of divine wisdom [as well]. 83
Is it not evidence enough for them 84 that [so many] learned men from among the children of Israel have recognized this [as true]? 85
But [even] had We bestowed it from on high upon any of the non-Arabs,
and had he recited it unto them [in his own tongue], they would not have believed in it. 86
Thus have We caused this [message] to pass [unheeded] through the hearts of those who are lost in sin: 87
they will not believe in it till they behold the grievous suffering
that will come upon them [on resurrection,] all of a sudden, without their being aware [of its approach];
and then they will exclaim, "Could we have a respite?" 88
Do they, then, [really] wish that Our chas-tisement be hastened on? 89
But hast thou ever considered [this]: If We do allow them to enjoy [this life] for some years,
and thereupon that [chastisement] which they were promised befalls them-
of what avail to them will be all their past enjoyments?
And withal, never have We destroyed any community unless it had been warned
and reminded: 90 for, never do We wrong [anyone].
And [this divine writ is such a reminder:] no evil spirits have brought it down: 91
for, neither does it suit their ends, nor is it in their power [to impart it to man]:
verily, [even] from hearing it are they utterly debarred!
Hence, [O man,] do not invoke any other deity side by side with God, lest thou find thyself among those who are made to suffer [on Judgment Day]. 92
And warn [whomever thou canst reach, beginning with] thy kinsfolk, 93
and spread the wings of thy tenderness over all of the believers who may follow thee; 94
but if they disobey thee, say, "I am free of responsibility for aught that you may do!"
and place thy trust in the Almighty, the Dispenser of Grace,
who sees thee when thou standest [alone] , 95
and [sees] thy behaviour among those who prostrate themselves [before Him]: 96
for, verily, He alone is all-hearing, all-knowing!
[And] shall I tell you upon whom it is that those evil spirits descend?
They descend upon all sinful self-deceivers 97
who readily lend ear [to every falsehood], and most of whom lie to others as well. 98
And as for the poets 99 - [they, too, are prone to deceive themselves: and so, only] those who are lost in grievous error would follow them.
Art thou not aware that they roam confusedly through all the valleys [of words and thoughts], 100
and that they [so often] say what they do not do [or feel]?
[Most of them are of this kind -] save those who have attained to faith, and do righteous deeds, and remember God unceasingly, and defend them-selves [only] after having been wronged, 101 and [trust in God's promise that] those who are bent on wrong-doing will in time come to know how evil a turn their destinies are bound to take! 102