You, you those who believed, fulfill/complete with the contracts; four legged creatures of land and sea except lions (beasts) (of) the camel/livestock is permitted/allowed for you, except what is read/recited on you, not permitting/allowing the hunt/fishing and you are forbidden/respecting for pilgrimage , that God judges/rules what He wills/wants.
You, you those who believed, do not permit/allow God`s methods of worship and nor the month the forbidden/sacred, and nor the offering, and nor the sacrificial animals/necklaces , and nor heading to the Forbidden/Sacred House/Home, they ask/desire grace/favour from their Lord, and acceptance/satisfaction, and if you finished pilgrimage so hunt/fish, and (let) not a nation`s hatred and animosity make you commit a crime/sin that (because) they prevented you from the Mosque the Forbidden/Sacred, that you transgress, and help each other, on the righteousness , and fear and obedience (of God), and do not help each other on the sin/crime and the transgression/aggression , and fear and obey God, that God (is) strong (severe in) the punishment.
Forbidden on you is the animal whose death was caused by suffocation or strangulation, and the blood, and the pig`s/swine`s flesh/meat, and what was declared/praised the name of whom the sacrifice was made for to other than God with it, and the strangled/choked to death, and the beaten to death/dead due to sickness, and the fallen/destroyed/perished (to death), and the animal whose death was caused by another`s horns , and what the beast or bird of prey ate (from), except what you slaughtered, and what was slaughtered on the slaughter places, and that you seek oath with the featherless arrows , that (is) debauchery ; today those who disbelieved despair from your religion, so do not fear them, and fear Me, today I completed for you your religion, and I completed on you My blessing , and I accepted/approved for you the Islam (as) a religion, so who was forced in hunger, not deviating from righteousness/justice to a sin/crime, so that God was/is forgiving, merciful.
They ask/question you what became permitted (allowed) for them, say: "Permitted/allowed for you (are) the goodnesses, and what you taught from the predatory animals, hunting birds and hunting dogs, training for hunting and retrieving , you teach them (F) from what God taught/instructed you, so eat from what they (F) held/grasped/seized on (for) you, and mention/remember God`s name on it, and fear and obey God, that God (is) quick/fast (in) the counting/calculating."
Today is permitted/allowed for you the goodnesses, and those who were given The Book`s food is permitted/allowed for you, and your food is permitted/allowed for them, and the chaste (F) from the believers (F), and the chaste (F) from those who were given The Book from before you, if you gave them (F) their (F) fees (dowries), marrying not fornicating/adulterating, and not taking friends/lovers , and who disbelieves with the faith/belief, so his deed had wasted/failed, and he (is) in the end (other life) from the losers .
You, you those who believed, if you started/got up to the prayers, so wash with water your faces, and your hands to the elbows, and rub/wipe with your heads and your feet to the two joints/ankle bones, and if you wereimpure/unclean , so be purified/cleaned , and if you were sick/diseased or on (a) journey/trip/voyage or one of you came from the safe hidden depression in the ground (toilet), or you touched and felt repeatedly the women, so you did not find water, so wipe your hands and face with dust good/pure dust, so rub/wipe with your faces and your hands from it, God does not want to make/put on you strain/hardship, and but He wants to purify you mentally and physically and to complete (E) His blessing on you, maybe/perhaps you thank/be grateful.
And remember/mention God`s blessing/goodness on you, and His entrustment that He entrusted you with it, when you said: "We heard/listened and we obeyed." And fear and obey God, that God (is) knowledgeable within the innermosts (chests).
You, you those who believed, be just/upright to God, witnessing/testifying with the just/equitable, and (let) not a nation`s hatred and animosity make you commit a crime/sin , on (because) that you not be just/equitable, be just/equitable it is nearer/closer to the fear and obedience (of God), and fear and obey God, that God is expert/experienced with what you make/do.
God promised those who believed and made/did the correct/righteous deeds, for them forgiveness and a great wage/reward.
And those who disbelieved and denied/falsified with Our signs/verses/evidences, those are the roaring fire`s/Hell`s company.
You, you those who believed, remember/mention God`s blessing/goodness on you, when a nation started that they spread/extend their hands to you, so He prevented/stopped their hands from you, and fear and obey God, and on God so should the believers rely on/trust in.
And God had taken Israel`s sons` and daughters` promise/covenant, and We sent from them twelve heads/chiefs/representatives, and God said: "I am with you, if (E) you kept up the prayers, and you gave the charity/purification, and you believed with My messengers and you supported/aided them, and you lent/advanced God a good loan/advance, I will substitute (E) from you your sins/crimes and I will enter you (E) treed gardens the rivers flow from beneath it, so who disbelieved after that, from you, so (he) had misguided the way`s/path`s straightness."
So because (of) what their breaking/breaching their promise/covenant, We cursed them and We made their hearts cruel/merciless, they alter/distort the words/expressions from its places, and they forgot (a) fortune (share) from what they were reminded with it, and do you not still/continue to know/see on a betrayal/unfaithfulness from them, except (a) few from them, so forg ive/pardon on them and forgive/pardon, that God loves/likes the good doers.
And from those who said: "We are Christians." We took their promise/covenant, so they forgot a luck (share) from what they were reminded with it, so We urged/excited to stir up between them the animosity and the intense hatred to the Resurrection Day, and God will inform them with what they were performing/producing.
You The Book`s people, Our messenger had come to you, he clarifies/shows to you much from what you were hiding from The Book, and He forgives/pardons from much, a light and clear/evident Book had come to you69from God.
God guides with it who followed His satisfaction, the security`s/peace`s ways/paths, and He brings them out from the darknesses to the light with His permission, and He guides them to a straight/direct road/way.
Those who said: "That God, He is the Messiah Mary`s son." had disbelieved, say: "So who owns/possesses from God a thing, if He wanted that He destroys the Messiah, Mary`s son, and his mother, and who (is) in the earth/Planet Earth all together? And to God (are) the skies/space and what (is) between them (B)`s ownership/kingdom , He creates what He wills/wants, and God (is) on every thing capable ."
And the Jews and the Christians said: "We are God`s sons and His most loved." say: "So why He tortures you because of your crimes? But you are humans from what He created, He forgives to whom He wills/wants, and He tortures who He wills/wants, and to God (are) the skies/space, and the earth/Planet Earth, and what (is) between them (B)`s ownership/kingdom, and to Him (is) the end/destination."
You The Book`s people, a messenger had come to you, he clarifies/shows to you, on an intermission from the messengers, that you say: "From (an) announcer of good news did not come to us, and nor a warner/giver of notice." So (an) announcer and a warner/giver of notice had come to you, and God was/is on every thing capable/able.
And when Moses said to his nation: "You my nation mention/remember God`s blessing/goodness on you when He put/created between you prophets, and He made you kings, and he gave you what he did not give anyone from the creations altogether/(universes).
You my nation, enter the earth the Holy that God wrote/dictated for you, and do not return on your backs, so you turn around losers ."
They said: "You Moses, that in it (is) a nation (of) tyrants/rebels , and that we will never/not enter it until they get out from it, so if they get out from it, so we are entering."
Two men from those who fear (and) God blessed/comforted and eased on them (B), said: "Enter on them (through) the door/entrance, so if you entered it, so that you are defeating/conquering, and on God so rely/depend , if you were/are believers."
They said: "You Moses, we are never entering it, never, as long as they continued/lasted in it, so go you, and your Lord, so you both fight/kill, we are here, here sitting/remaining."
(Moses) said: "My Lord, that I do not own/possess except myself and my brother, so separate between us and between the nation the debauchers ."
(God) said: "So that it truly is forbidden/prohibited on them forty years, they stray/wander in the earth/Planet Earth, so do not grieve on the nation the debauchers ."
And read/recite on them (the) information/news (of) Adam`s two sons with the truth , when they (B) approached/neared an approachment to God (an offering), so (it) was accepted from one of them (B) and was not (to) be accepted from the other, he said: "I will kill you (E)." He said: "But, God accepts from the fearing and obeying."
If (E) you spread/extended to me your hand to kill me, I am not with spreading/extending my hands to you70to kill you, that I fear God, the creations altogether`s/(universes`) Lord.
I want that you return with my sin/crime and your sin/crime, so you be from the fire`s company, and that (is) the unjust`s/oppressor`s reimbursement .
So his self consented for him, his brother`s killing/murdering, so he killed him, so he became from the losers.
So God sent a crow digging/searching in the earht/Planet Earth, to show him how (he) hides/conceals his brother`s shameful genital private part to be covered, he said: "Oh my calamity , have I been unable that I be similar/like that the crow, so I hide/conceal my brother`s shameful genital private part to be covered?" So he became from the regretful/sorrowful/remorseful.
Because of that, We wrote/decreed on Israel`s sons and daughters, that who killed a self without a self, or corruption in the earth/Planet Earth, so (it is) as if he killed the people all/all together , and who revived (saved) it, so as if he revived (saved) the people all/all together, and Our messengers had come to them with the evidences, then that many from them, after that (are) in the earth/Planet Earth spoilers/wasters (E) .
But (the) reward (of) those who embattle/fight God and His messenger, and they strive/endeavor in the earth/Planet Earth corruption/disorder , that they be killed or they be crucified , or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposites, or they be expelled/exiled from the land, that (is) for them shame/scandal/disgrace in the present world, and for them in the end (other life is) a great torture.
Except those who repented from before that you become overpowering on them, so know that God (is) a forgiver, merciful.
You, you those who believed, fear and obey God, and ask/wish to him the means to approach , and struggle in His way/path (sake), maybe you succeed/win.
That those who disbelieved, if that for them what (is) in the earth/Planet Earth all together, and similar/equal to it, with it to ransom/compensate with it from the Resurrection Day`s torture, (it) would not be accepted from them, and to them (is) a painful torture.
They want that they get out from the fire, and they are not with getting out from it, and for them (is) a continuing torture.
And the male thief/robber and the female thief/robber, so cut off their (B)`s hands, a reward because (of) what they (B) gathered/acquired , severe exemplary punishment from God, and God (is) glorious/mighty ,wise/judicious .
So who repented from after his injustice/oppression, and he corrected , so that God forgives on him, that God (is) a forgiving, merciful.
Did you not know that God, (has) for Him the skies`/space`s, and the earth`s/Planet Earth`s ownership , He tortures whom He wills/wants, and He forgives to whom He wills/wants, and God (is) on every thing capable/able.
You, you the messenger, do not be saddened (by) those who quicken/speed in the disbelief, from those who said: "We believed" with their mouths, and their hearts/minds did not believe, and from those who repented/Jews (who are) often listening/hearing to the lie/falsehood, (and) often listening/hearing to other nations (that) they did not come to you, they alter/distort the words/expressions from after its places, they71say: "If you were given that, so take it , and if you were not given it, so be warned ." And whom God wants testing him , so you will never own/possess for him from God a thing, those are those who God did not want that to purify their hearts/minds , for them in the present world (is) shame/scandal/ disgrace, and for them in the end (other life is) a great torture.
(They are) often listening/hearing to the lie/falsehood, gluttons/eating exaggeratedly to the forbidden/possession through cheatery , so if they came to you, so judge/rule between them or turn away from them, and if you turn away from them, so they will never/not harm you (in) a thing, and if you judged/ruled, so judge/rule between them with the just/equitable, that God loves/likes the just/equitable.
And how (do) they ask you to judge/rule, and at them (is) the Torah/Old Testament, in it (is) God`s judgment/rule, then they turn away from after that, and those are not with the believing.
That We descended the Torah/Old Testament, in it (is) guidance and light, the prophets those who submitted/surrendered , judge/rule with it, to those who guided/Jews , and the knowledgeable Lord worshippers , and the religious scholars with what they memorized/safe kept (learned) from God`s Book , and they were not on it witnessing/present ; so do not fear the people and fear Me, and do not buy/volunteer with My signs/verses a small price, and who does not judge/rule with what God descended, so those, they are the disbelievers.
And We wrote/decreed on them in it, that the self (is) with the self, and the eye (is) with the eye, and the nose (is) with the nose, and the ear (is) with the ear, and the tooth (is) with the tooth, and the wounds/cuts (are) equal revenge/punishment equal to crime, so who gave charity (forgave) with it, so it is cover/substitution for him, and who does not judge/rule with what God descended, so those, those are the unjust/oppressors.
And We sent after (following) on their tracks with Jesus, Mary`s son confirming for what (is) between his hands from the Torah/Old Testament, and We gave him the New Testament/Bible in it (is) guidance and light, and confirming to what (is) between his hands from the Torah/Old Testament, and guidance and a sermon/advice/warning to the fearing and obeying.
And the New Testament`s/Bible`s people should judge/rule with what God descended in it, and who does not judge/rule with what God descended, so those, they are the debauchers .
And We descended to you The Book with the truth , confirming to what (is) between his hands from The Book , and guarding/protecting on it, so judge/rule between them with what God descended and do not follow their self attractions for desires about what came to you from the truth, to each from you We made/put God`s decreed way of life/method/law and order , and a clear/easy/plain way , and if God wanted/willed, He would have made you one nation/generation, and but to test you in what He gave you, so race/surpass (to) the goodnesses/generosity (good deeds), to God (is) your return altogether, so He informs you with what you were in it differing/disagreeing (P).
And that judge/rule between them with what God descended, and do not follow their self attractions for desires , and be warned/cautious of them, that they test/misguide you from some/part (of) what God descended to you, so if they turned away, so know that God wants that (He) strikes/hits them with some/part (of) their72crimes, and that many of the people (are) debauchers (E) .
Is (it) the Pre-Islamic paganism`s/ignorance`s judgment/rule (that) they desire ? And who (is) better than God (in) judgment/ruling to a nation they be sure/certain?
You, you those who believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians (as) guardians/patrons , some of them (are) guardians/patrons (of) some, and who follows them from you, so that he truly is from them, that God does not guide the nation, the unjust/oppressive.
So you see those who in their hearts/minds (is) sickness/disease, they rush/speed in (to) them, they say: "We fear that disaster strikes/hits us, so maybe that God comes with the victory or an order/matter from at Him." So they become on what they kept secret in themselves regretful .
And those who believed, say: "Are those, those who swore by God their right`s/oath`s utmost that they (are) with you (E), their deeds wasted, so they became losers .
You, you those who believed, who returns from you from his religion, so God will come with a nation, He loves/likes them, and they love/like Him, on the believers humble , more glorious/mighty on the disbelievers, they struggle in God`s sake , and they do not fear a blamer`s/reprimanders`s blame/reprimand, that (is) God`s grace/favour, He gives it (to) whom He wills/wants, and God (is) rich/abundant , knowledgeable.
But your guardian/patron/ally (is) God, and His messenger; and those who believed they keep up the prayers, and they give the charity , and they are bowing .
And who follows God and His messenger and those who believed, so that God`s group/party, they are the defeaters/conquerors.
You, you those who believed, do not take those who took your religion mockingly and playing/amusement from those who were given The Book from before you, and the disbelievers (as) guardians/patrons/allies , and fear and obey God, if you were believing.
And if you called to (for) the prayers, they took it mockingly and playing/amusement, that (is) with that they are a nation (that) do not reason/understand/comprehend.
Say: "You The Book`s people, do (you) revenge/hate from us, except (because) that we believed with God, and what was descended to us, and what was descended from before, and that most of you (are) debauchers ."
Say: "Do I inform you with worse/more hateful than that? Replacement/compensation (from) at God, whom God cursed/humiliated , and He became angry/angered (at) on him, and He made/created from them the apes/monkeys and the pigs/swine , and the everything worshipped other than God`s/devil`s worshippers, those (are at) a worse place/position and more misguided, from the way`s/road`s middle/straightness."
And if they came to you, they said: "We believed". And they had entered with the disbelief, and they, they had gotten out with it, and God (is) more knowing with what they were hiding/concealing."
And you see many from them, quickening/rushing in the sin/crime, and the transgression/aggression ,and their eating the forbidden/possessions acquired through cheatery , how bad (E) (is) what they were73making/doing?
If only the knowledgeable lord worshippers and the religious scholars forbid/prevent them from their saying the sin/crime and their eating the forbidden/possessions acquired through cheatery ; how bad (E) (is) what they were producing/manufacturing ?
And the Jews said: "God`s hand (is) chained or tied." (But) their hands (are) chained or tied, and they were cursed/humiliated because (of) what they said, but His two hands (are) outspread/outstretched , He spends how (as) He wills/wants; and what was descended to you from your Lord increases (E) many of them tyranny/arrogance and disbelief, and We threw between them the animosity and the intense hatred to the Resurrection Day, whenever they ignited a fire to the battle/war , God extinguished it , and they strive/hasten in the earth/Planet Earth (in) corruption , and God does not love/like the corrupting.
And if that The Book`s people believed and feared and obeyed We would have substituted from them their sins/crimes, and We would have entered them the blessing`s gardens.
And if that they took care of the Torah/Old Testament, and the Bible/New Testament and what was descended to them from their Lord, they would have eaten from above them and from below their feet; from them (is) a nation economizing/moderate , and many from them what they were making/doing became bad/evil/harmful.
You, you the messenger deliver/inform what was descended to you from your Lord, and if you did not make/do (that) so you did not reach (pass) His message, and God protects/shelters you from the people, that God does not guide the nation, the disbelieving.
Say: "You The Book`s people, you are not on a thing, until you keep up the Torah/Old Testament and the Bible/New Testament , and what was descended to you from your (P) Lord." And what was descended to you (S/M) from your Lord increases (E) many of them tyranny/arrogance, and disbelief, so do not grieve/sadden on the nation, the disbelieving.
That those who believed and those who guided/Jews , and the converts/Sabians , and the Christians who believed with God and the Day the Last/Resurrection Day, and made/worked correct/righteous deeds, so no fear on them, and nor they be sad/grieving.
We had taken Israel`s sons` and daughters` promise/covenant, and We sent to them messengers, whenever a messenger came to them with what their selves do not desire, a group (some) they denied, and a group (some) they kill.
And they thought, that test/torture (is) not (to) be, so they became blinded/confused , and they became deaf, then God forgave on them, then they blinded/confused and they deafened many (of) them, and God (is) seeing/knowing/understanding with what they make/do/work.
Those who said: "That God, He is the Messiah Mary`s son," had disbelieved, and the Messiah, said: "You, Israel`s sons and daughters, worship God, my Lord and your Lord, that he who shares/makes partners with God, so He had forbidden on him the Paradise, and his shelter/refuge (is) the fire , and (there are) no victoriors/saviors to the unjust/oppressors."74
Those who said: "That God (is) third (of) three." had disbelieved, and (there is) no God except from one God, and if they do not end/stop from what they say, a painful torture will touch (E) those who disbelieved from them.
So do they not repent to God, and they ask Him for forgiveness, and God (is) forgiving, merciful.
The Messiah Mary`s son is not except a messenger, the messengers had past/expired from before Him, and his mother (was) always very truthful, they were (B) eating the food; look/see how We clarify/explain to them the signs/evidences, then look/see where they be turned away .
Say: "Do you worship from other than God what does not own/possess for you harm and nor benefit, and God He is the hearing/listening, the knowledgeable."
Say: "You The Book`s people, do not exaggerate/exceed the limit in your religion, other than the truth , and do not follow a nation`s self attractions for desires , they had misguided from before and they misguided many, and they misguided from the way`s/path`s middle/straightness."
Those who disbelieved from Israel`s sons and daughters were cursed/humiliated on David`s and Jesus Mary`s son`s tongue, that (is) with what they disobeyed, and they were transgressing/violating .
They were not forbidding/preventing each other from awfulness/obscenity they made/did it; how bad (is) what they were making/doing?
You see many from them, they follow those who disbelieved, how bad (is) what their selves advanced/understood for them, that God became angry/dissatisfied on them, and in the torture they are immortally/eternally .
And if they were believing with God, and the prophet and what was descended to him, they would not (have) taken them (as) guardians/allies , and but many from them (are) debauchers .
You will find (E) the strongest people (with) animosity to those who believed (are) the Jews, and those who shared/made partners (with God), and you will find (E) their nearest/closest love/friendship , to those who believed, (are) those who said: "That we are Christian ." That (is) with that from them (are) priests/clergymen and monks, and that they are not being arrogant.
And if they heard what was descended to the messenger, you see their eyes flow from the tears from what they knew from the truth , they say: "Our Lord, we believed, so write us with the witnessing/testifying."
And why not for us to believe with God and what came to us from the truth , and we wish/desire that our Lord makes us enter with the nation the correct/righteous.
So God rewarded them because (of) what they said treed gardens, the rivers flow from beneath it, immortally/eternally in it, and that (is) the good doer`s reward .
And those who disbelieved and they denied with Our verses/signs/evidences, those are the Hell`s people
You, you those who believed, do not forbid/prohibit goodnesses (from) what God permitted/allowed for you, and do not transgress/violate , that God does not love/like the transgressors/violators.
And eat from what God provided for you, permitted/allowed, good/enjoyable , and fear and obey God, whom you are with (in) him believing.
God does not punish you with the nonsense/useless talk in your oaths, and but He punishes you with75what you intended (in) the oaths, so its cover/substitution (is) feeding ten poorest of poor/poor oppressed from middle (average of) what you feed your families , or their dressing/clothing, or feeding/liberating a neck/person/slave, so who does not find, so fasting three days, that (is) cover/substitution (for) your oaths, if you swore/took oath, and guard your oaths, like that God clarifies to you His verses/evidences, maybe you thank/be grateful.
You, you those who believed, that the intoxicants , and the gambling and the monuments , and the featherless arrows (are) sin/crime from the devil`s making/work, so avoid it , maybe you succeed/win.
But the devil wants that he makes the animosity and the intense hatred fall between you, in (through use of) the intoxicants and the gambling, and he prevents/obstructs you from God`s remembrance/reminder, and from the prayers, so are you ending/stopping?
And obey God and obey the messenger, and be warned/cautious, so if you turned away, so know that truly on Our messengers (is) the information/communication, the clear/evident .
(An) offense/guilt is not on those who believed and made/did correct/righteous deeds in what they ate/tasted, if as long as they feared and obeyed and believed and they made/did the correct/righteous deeds, then they feared and obeyed and they believed, and then they feared and obeyed, and they did good and God loves/likes the good doers.
You, you those who believed, God will test you (E) with something from the hunt/fishing/trapping, your hands and your spears/lances take/receive/obtain (reach) it, (for) God (is) to know who fears Him with the unseen , so who transgressed/violated after that, so for him (is) a painful torture.
You, you those who believed, do not kill the hunt/trapping, and you are forbidden/respecting for pilgrimage, and who intentionally/purposely killed it from you, so a reimbursement equal/similar (to) what he killed from the properties/livestock (the animals/birds), (two) of (B) justice/equality from you judges/rules with it (as) an offering reaching/delivered (to) the Kaaba , or substitution (of) feeding (the) poorest of poor/poor oppressed (P), or redemption (of) that (is) fasting , to taste/experience his matter`s/affair`s severity/bad consequences/evil results, God forgave/pardoned on what preceded, and who returned (again), so God revenges from Him, and God (is) glorious/mighty , (owner) of revenge.
Permitted/allowed for you is the sea`s hunting/fishing, and its food, enjoyment to you and to the caravan/people often moving , and forbidden on you (is) the shore`s/land`s hunting/trapping as long as you continued in compliance with pilgrimage prohibitions , and fear and obey God, who to Him you are being gathered.
God put/made the Kaaba, the House/Home the Respected/Sacred standing to (for) the people and the forbidden/sacred the month and the offering and the necklaces , that to know that God knows what (is) in the skies/space and what (is) in the earth/Planet Earth, and that God (is) with every thing knowledgeable.
Know that God (is) strong (severe in) the punishment and that God (is) forgiving, merciful.
Nothing (is) on the messenger except the information/communication, and God knows what you show and what you hide/conceal.76
Say: "The bad/spoiled and the good/pure do not become equal/alike, and even if it pleased/marveled you the bad`s/spoiled`s plentifulness, so fear and obey God, you (owners) of the pure minds/intelligences ,maybe/perhaps you win/succeed."
You, you those who believed, do not question/ask about things, if (it) appears to you, it harms you , and if you ask/question about it a time (when) the Koran descends (it) appears to you, God forgave/pardoned about it, and God (is) forgiving/clement.
A nation from before you had asked/questioned (about) it, then they became with it disbelieving.
God did not make/create from a female camel in Pre-Islamic paganism whose ears were split after five deliveries and left to roam alone for their idols and of no benefit to man , and nor a female camel in Pre-Islamic paganism which gave birth to ten female litters and left to roam and feed freely and forbidden from use , and nor a female camel who gave birth seven times and was left to roam and not be slaughtered , and nor a male camel who fathered ten deliveries and was left to roam without benefit to man , and but those who disbelieved they fabricate on God the lies/falsehood, and most of them do not reason/understand/comprehend. (DISCREPANCY EXISTS ABOUT THE PRECEDING BOLD TERM)
And if (it) was said to them: "Come to what God descended and to the messenger." They said: "Enough for us what we found our fathers on it." And even if their fathers were not knowing a thing and nor being guided.
You, you those who believed, on you (are) yourselves, who misguided does not harm you if you were guided, to God (is) your return all together, so He informs you with what you were making/doing .
You, you those who believed testimony between you if the death attended any of you (at the) time of the bequest/will (bring) two of justice from you or two others from other than you, if you, you moved/mixed in the Earth/land, so the death`s/liflessness`s disaster struck you , you prevent/withhold them (B) from after the prayers, so they (B) swear/make oath with God: "If you become doubtful/suspicious we do not buy volunteer (ourselves) with it a price, and even if (he or she was) of the relations/near, and we do not hide/conceal God`s witness/certification , that we are then from (E) the sinners/criminals."
So if (it) was stumbled upon (found) on that they (B) deserved (B) (committed) a sin/crime, so two others they (B) stay in their (B)`s place/position from those who deserved on them the first two, so they (B) swear/make oath with God (that) "Our testimony/certification (is) more worthy/deserving from (than) their (B)`s testimony/certification, and we did not transgress/violate/break, (and if we did) that we (are) then from (E) the unjust/oppressors (P)."
That (is) nearer that they come with the testimony/certification on its face/direction , or they fear that oaths be returned after their oaths, and fear and obey God and hear/listen, and God does not guide the nation the debauchers .
A day God gathers/collects the messengers, so he says: "What were you answered/replied?" They said: "No knowledge for us, that you (are) knower (of) the unseens/hiddens (unknown)."
when God said: "You Jesus Mary`s son, remember My blessing on you and on your mother, when I supported you with the Holy/Sanctimonious Soul/Spirit, you speak/converse (to) the people in the crib/cradle and aged77approximately between thirty to fifty years , and when I taught/instructed/informed you The Book , and the wisdom , and the Torah/Old Testament, and the New Testament/Bible , and when you create as a shape/form (of) the bird/birds with My permission, so you blow in it, so it will be flying/birds, with My permission, and you cure and heal the blind/born blind, and the leper with My permission, and when you bring out the deads with My permission, and when I prevented/stopped Israel`s sons and daughters from you, when you came to them with the evidences, so those who disbelieved from them said: "That that (is) except clear/evident magic/sorcery."
And when I inspired to the supporters and deciples that believe in Me and My messenger, they said: "We believed and witness with that we truly (are) submitters/surrenderers ."
When the supporters and Deciples said: "You, Jesus Mary`s son, is your Lord able that He descends on us a table with food from the sky?" He said: "Fear and obey God if you were believing."
They said: "We want that we eat from it, and our hearts/minds (be) assured , and we know that you had been truthful to us, and we be on it from the present/witnessing."
Jesus, Mary`s son said: "Oh God, our Lord, descend on us a table with food from the sky, (it) be for us a repeat/feast/festival to our beginning/first and our last/end, and a sign/evidence from You, and provide for us, and You are the provider`s best ."
God said: "That I am descending it on you, so who disbelieves after (this) from you, so I am I (will) torture him, a torture, I do (will) not torture it anyone from the creations altogether/(universes)."
And when God said: "You Jesus Mary`s son, did you say to the people `Take me and my mother (as) two gods from other than God?` He (Jesus) said: `Your praise/glory, (it) is not to be for me that I say what is not for me with (a) right/truth, if I was (had) said it, so You had known it, You know what (is) in my self, and I do not know what (is) in Your self, that You, You (are) all knower (of) the unseens/hidden (unknown).`"
`I did not say to them except what You ordered/commanded me with it, that worship God, my Lord and your Lord, and I was on them a witness as long as I continued/lasted in (between) them, so when You made me die, You were the guard on them, and you (are) on every thing (an) honest witness.`
`If You torture them, so that they are Your worshippers/slaves, and if You forgive for them, so that You are the glorious/mighty , the wise/judicious .`
God said: "That (is a) day, the truthful their truthfulness benefits (them), for them (are) treed gardens, the rivers flow from beneath it, (they are) immortally/eternally in it, forever, God approved on them, and they approved on Him, that (is) the great winning/salvation ."
To God (are) the skies`/space`s and the earth`s/Planet Earth`s ownership , and what (is) in them (F), and He (is) on every thing capable 78