The Last Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split.
Whenever they see a miracle, they turn from it in aversion and say: "This is sorcery like many others, one after the other."
And they have denied (Prophethood and whatever sign the Prophet has shown them), and followed their lusts and caprices. Yet every matter has its appointed time (and so they will come to know the truth).
And for certain there have already come to them reports (of the Hereafter and former peoples) wherein is ample warning to deter (them from their ways).
All this (which is included in the Qur’an) is consummate wisdom, but warnings do not avail (such people).
(Seeing that they reject your call) withdraw from them. The Day will come when the caller will call (all the people) to something exceptionally terrible.
With eyes downcast, they will come forth from their graves as if they were locusts scattered abroad (in confusion),
Hastening (in obedience) toward the caller. The unbelievers will say: "This is a hard day."
Before them the people of Noah denied: they denied Our servant, and said: "This is a madman!" and he was rebuked (with insolence and prevented from preaching).
So he prayed to his Lord, saying: "I have been overcome, so help me!."
So We opened the gates of the sky, with water outpouring;
And We caused the earth to gush forth with springs, so the waters (of the sky and the earth) combined for (the fulfillment of) a matter already ordained.
And We carried him on a (construction of) wooden planks and nails,
Running (through the water) under Our Eyes as a reward for one who had (wrongfully) been rejected with ingratitude.
And indeed We left it (the Ark) as a sign (of the truth), then is there any that remembers and takes heed?
But see how (severe) was My punishment and (how true) My warnings!
And indeed (by revealing it through human language) We have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance (of God, and taking heed), then is there any that remembers and takes heed?
The (tribe of) ‘Ad also denied (their Messenger), then see how (severe) was My punishment and (how true) My warnings:
We sent upon them a furious windstorm through certain time of enduring disaster;
Tearing people away as if they were trunks of uprooted palm-trees.
So see how (severe) was My punishment and (how true) My warnings!
And indeed (by revealing it through human language) We have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance (of God and for taking heed). Then, is there any that remembers and takes heed?
The (tribe of) Thamud also denied all the warnings (given to them).
They said: "What? A mortal from among us, all alone – shall we follow him? Then indeed we would be lost in a strange error and madness!
"Is the Remembrance and Reminder (sent down) upon him from among us? No. Rather, he is a presumptuous liar (one claiming superiority over us)."
(We told their Messenger): "Soon they will know who is the presumptuous liar.
"We will surely send the she-camel as a trial for them (in response to their insistently asking you to show a miracle). So watch them (and observe what they do), and bear patiently (with their misconduct toward you).
"And inform them that the water is to be shared between her and them; each sharer will be present by the water when it is their turn to drink.
But (without observing the turn) they (schemed to slaughter the she-camel and) called their comrade (one of the nine ring-leaders); and so he ventured (upon the evil deed), and slaughtered her cruelly.
And see how (severe) was My punishment and (how true) My warnings:
We sent upon them a single Blast, and they became like dried chippings of shrubs used as cattle-fodder.
And indeed (by revealing it through human language) We have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance (of God and for taking heed). Then, is there any that remembers and takes heed?
And the people of Lot also denied all the warnings (given to them).
We sent a hurricane of stones upon them, save the family of Lot: We saved them by early dawn,
As a grace from Us. Thus do We reward those who give thanks.
Lot had indeed forewarned them of Our striking down, but they disputed the warnings.
They had harassed him (with frequent coming-and-going) to abuse his guests, and so We blotted out their eyes: taste My punishment and (the consequences of) My warnings!
The punishment decreed assuredly overtook them early in the morning.
So taste My punishment and (the consequences of) My warnings!
And indeed (by revealing it through human language) We have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance (of God and for taking heed). Then, is there any that remembers and takes heed?
And warnings certainly came also to the clan of the Pharaoh,
Who denied all Our messages and signs (including the miracles showed to them), and in the end We seized them after the manner of One All-Glorious with irresistible might, All-Omnipotent.
Now are your unbelievers (O Makkans) better and more powerful than those (whose exemplary histories We have recounted)? Or is there an exemption (from punishment written) for you in the Scriptures?
Or do they say, "We are a host united and invincible"?
(But let them know that) the hosts will all be routed, and they will turn their backs and flee.
Indeed, the Last Hour is their appointed time (for their complete recompense), and the Last Hour will be more grievous and more bitter.
The disbelieving criminals will be in utter loss away (from Paradise) and burning in the Blazes.
On that Day they will be dragged in the Fire on their faces: "Taste the touch of Hell!"
Surely We have created each and every thing by (precise) measure.
And Our commanding is not other than a single (command), like the twinkling of an eye.
We have destroyed many peoples like you (in wrongdoing, some of whose stories We have recounted and some not). Then, is there any that will remember and take heed (and so believe in God and follow His Religion)?
And everything that they did exists (recorded) in (their) notebooks (of deeds).
Everything small or great is written down.
And the God-revering, pious ones will be in Gardens and by rivers;
In the assembly of honor composed of the loyal and truthful in the Presence of the One All-Omnipotent Sovereign.