Amatul Rahman Omar - Sura: 65. At-Talaq - Divorce

  1. Prophet! (tell the believers that) when you decide to divorce (your) women divorce them at a time when their `Iddat (- period of three monthly courses, for which they must wait before they can remarry) can be calculated; (the divorce should be given when she has cleansed herself after the menstrual discharge) and after divorce calculate the period (of `Iddat exactly). And keep your duty to Allâh, your Lord. You shall not turn them out (during this period of `Iddat) from their homes except they commit flagrant sin, nor shall they themselves go out (of them). These are the limits imposed by Allâh and he that violates the limits imposed by Allâh, indeed does injustice to himself. You never know (Allâh´s will), for it may be that after this (divorce) Allâh will bring about a new situation (of reconciliation between you).

  2. And when they are about to reach their prescribed term (of `Iddat) either keep them (by revoking the divorce) in an honourable and fair manner or part with them in honourable and fair manner and two honest and just persons from among you witness (your decision). (Let the witnesses) bear true testimony for the sake of Allâh (regarding the situation that resulted in the pronouncement of divorce). Thus the person (who acts according to these guidelines and) who believes in Allâh and the Last Day is exhorted. And he who takes Allâh as (his) shield, He will always make a way out (of his ordeals) for him.

  3. And He will provide him sustenance from where he least expects. And he who puts his trust in Allâh, He is sufficient for him (to fulfill his needs). Allâh is sure to accomplish His purpose. Allâh has set a measure for everything.

  4. If you are in doubt (how to calculate the period) of such of your women as have despaired of monthly courses, then (know that) period for which they must wait is three months and (the same holds good) for such women as have not menstruated (for some other reasons). And (as to) pregnant women, their term (will end) when they are delivered of their burden (after giving birth to a child). And (bear in mind) for the one who keeps his duty to Allâh, He will provide facility in his affair for him.

  5. That is the command of Allâh. He has revealed this to you. For the one who takes Allâh as a shield He will rid him of (the evil consequences of) his sins and will grant him a very great reward.

  6. Lodge (the divorced) women (during the prescribed period in some part of the house) where you are lodging, according to (the best of) your means. Do not harass them so as to make (their stay) hard for them. If they be pregnant, bear their expanses until they are delivered of the child. And if they suckle (the child) for you (as the period of waiting is over with delivery) pay them their dues (for suckling), and (in order to settle it) consult together in all fairness (making only reasonable demands on one another). But if you find it mutually difficult (to come to a settled agreement) then let another woman suckle (the child) for him (- the father).

  7. Let a man with (plentiful) means spend (for the maintenance of the suckling woman) according to his means. And let him whose means of subsistence are limited spend according to what Allâh has given him. Allâh burdens no person (with responsibility) beyond what He has given him. Allâh will soon bring about easy times after hardships.

  8. So many (people of) townships rebelled against the command of their Lord and His Messengers so that We reckoned with them sternly and punished them with a dire punishment.

  9. So they suffered the (evil) consequences of their deeds, and the subsequent end of their affairs was (in the form of) loss.

  10. Allâh has in store for them a terrible punishment. So take Allâh as a shield O you persons of excellent and pure understanding who have believed! Allâh has indeed sent down to you means of (attaining) eminence -

  11. (In the form of) an eminent Messenger who recites to you the clear revelations of Allâh, which tell the right from the wrong and thus He brings those who believe and (accordingly) do good deeds, out of all kinds of darkness into light. And he who believes in Allâh and does good deeds He will admit him to the Gardens served with running streams to abide therein for ever. Allâh has indeed made a (very) handsome provision for him.

  12. It is Allâh Who has created seven heavens and (He has created) as many earths. The (divine) law permeates through them. (He tells this to you) so that you may know that Allâh is Possessor of all power to do every desired thing and Allâh encompasses everything in His knowledge.


Sura 64Sura 66