O the Cloaked One! (Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him)
Rise up and warn!
And proclaim the Purity of your Lord.
And keep your clothes clean.
And stay away from idols.
And do not favour others in order to receive more.
And for the sake of your Lord, patiently endure.
So when the Trumpet will be blown.
So that is a tough day.
Not easy upon the disbelievers.
Leave him to Me, the one whom I created single.
And gave him vast wealth.
And gave him sons present before him.
And made several preparations for him.
Yet he desires that I should give more.
Never! For he is an enemy to Our signs!
Soon I shall mount him on Saood, the hill of fire.
Indeed he thought, and inwardly decided.
So accursed be he, how evilly did he decide!
Again accursed be he, how evilly did he decide!
He then dared to lift his gaze.
Then frowned and grimaced.
Then he turned away, and was haughty.
And said, “This is nothing but magic learnt from earlier men.”
“This is nothing but the speech of a man.”
I will soon fling him into hell.
And what have you understood, what hell is!
It neither leaves, nor spares.
It strips away the hide of man.
Above it are nineteen guards.
We have not appointed the guards of hell, except angels; and did not keep this number except to test the disbelievers – in order that the People given the Book(s) may be convinced, and to increase the faith of the believers – and so that the People given the Book(s) and the Muslims may not have any doubt - and so that those in whose hearts is a disease and the disbelievers, may say, “What does Allah mean by this amazing example?” This is how Allah sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills; and no one knows the armies of Allah except Him; and this is not but an advice to man.
Yes, never!* By oath of the moon. (Hell will never spare the disbelievers).
And by oath of the night when it turns back.
And by oath of the morning, when it spreads light.
Indeed hell is one of the greatest entities.
Warn the men.
For the one among you who wishes to come forward or stay back.
Every soul is mortgaged for its own deeds.
Except those on the right side.
In Gardens, they seek answers,
- From the guilty.
“What took you into the hell?”
They said, “We never used to offer the prayer.”
“Nor used to feed the needy.”
“And used to dwell on evil matters with those who think evilly.”
“And used to deny the Day of Justice.”
“Till death overcame us.”
So the intercession of the intercessors will not benefit them. (The disbelievers will not have any intercessor.)
So what is the matter with them that they turn away from the advice?
As if they were startled donkeys -
Fleeing away from a lion.
Rather each one of them desires that he should be given open Books.
Never! In fact they do not fear the Hereafter.
Yes indeed, this is an advice.
So whoever wills may heed advice from it.
And what advice will they heed, except if Allah wills? Only He deserves to be feared, and His only is the greatness of forgiving.