I swear by the Day of Resurrection,
And I swear by the self-accusing human soul;
Does human think that We will never assemble his bones (to resurrect him)?
Yes indeed, We are able to make whole his very fingertips.
But human (by willful choice) denies what lies ahead of him (the other life, because he desires to live only as he pleases).
He asks: "When is the Day of Resurrection?"
When the eyesight is confounded (through fear),
And the moon is darkened,
And the sun and the moon are joined together,
On that Day human will say: "Where is the escape?"
By no means! No refuge (to flee to)!
To your Lord the journey’s end will be on that Day.
Human will be made understand on that Day all (the good and evil) that he has forwarded (to his afterlife while in the world), and all (the good and evil) that he has left behind.
Indeed, human will be an eye-witness (providing evidence) against himself,
Even though he puts forth his excuses.
(O Prophet!) Move not your tongue to hasten it (for safekeeping in your heart).
Surely it is for Us to collect it (in your heart) and enable you to recite it (by heart).
So when We recite it, follow its recitation;
Thereafter, it is for Us to explain it.
Yes indeed! but you (people) love and prefer what is before you (the present, worldly life),
And abandon that which is to come later (the Hereafter).
Some faces on that Day will be radiant (with contentment),
Looking up toward their Lord.
And some faces on that Day will be despondent,
Knowing that a crushing calamity is about to be inflicted on them.
No indeed! (No doubt remains for the meaning of life) when it (the last breath) comes up to the throat,
And it is said, "Who is the wizard (who can save him)?"
While he (who is dying) is certain that it is the (moment of) parting.
And (in the agony of death) one leg is intertwined with the other;
To your Lord is, on that Day, the driving.
He did not affirm the truth (of the Divine Message conveyed to him), nor did he do the Prayer;
Rather, he denied and turned away.
Thereafter he went back to his family in gleeful conceit.
So: well have you deserved (this doom), well have you deserved (it).
Again, well have you deserved it and well deserved.
Does human think that he is to be left to himself (to go about as he pleases)?
Was he not once a mere drop of semen poured forth?
Then he became a clot clinging (to the womb wall), and He created and fashioned (him) in due proportions.
Then He made of him a pair, male and female.
Is not He (Who does that, equally) able to bring the dead back to life?