Ali Ünal - Sura: 77. Al-Mursalat - Those Sent Forth

  1. By the companies (of angels) sent one after another for some good results,

  2. And then moving as fast and forcefully as tempests.

  3. And by those enfolding the Scrolls of Revelation,

  4. And serving (for right and wrong) to be separated with all clarity,

  5. And so bringing down the Revelation,

  6. In order that some may have the means to ask for forgiveness and that some may be warned,

  7. Surely what you are promised is bound to take place,

  8. When the stars are effaced,

  9. And when the sky is rent asunder,

  10. And when the mountains are blown away (as dust),

  11. And when the time for the Messengers (to bear witness for or against their communities) is appointed.

  12. For what day has the term (of all this) been set?

  13. For the Day of Judgment and Distinction (between people according to how they believed and acted in the world).

  14. What enables you to perceive what the Day of Judgment and Distinction is?

  15. Woe on that Day to those who deny (the Day)!

  16. Did We not destroy the ancient peoples (who denied)?

  17. So do We make the later generations (of the same standing) follow them (in being destroyed).

  18. For thus do We deal with the disbelieving criminals.

  19. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  20. (How and why do you dare to deny?) Did We not create you from a humble fluid?

  21. Then We placed it in a firm, secure place (to remain)

  22. For a known, pre-ordained term (of gestation).

  23. Thus have We determined (everything related to your existence), and how excellent We are in determining!

  24. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  25. Have We not made the earth a receptacle

  26. Both for the living and the dead?

  27. And set therein mountains firm, lofty in stature, and given you to drink the sweet water (gushing out of them).

  28. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  29. "Move towards that (Fire) which you used to deny!

  30. "Move towards the shadow (of black smoke ascending) in three columns.

  31. It will neither give (cooling) shade nor will it be of any avail against the flame.

  32. It (the Fire) will throw out sparks like castles,

  33. (Scattered abroad) as if they were yellow camels.

  34. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  35. This will be a Day when they (the deniers) will not utter a word;

  36. Nor will they be allowed to offer excuses.

  37. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  38. "This is the Day of Judgment and Distinction (between people, according to how they believed and acted in the world). We have assembled you and the earlier ones (from earlier communities who were also deniers).

  39. "So if you have a scheme (to save yourselves from My punishment), then apply it (against Me)!"

  40. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  41. Surely the God-revering, pious will be amidst pleasant shade and springs;

  42. And fruit of whatever kinds they desire.

  43. "Eat and drink to your hearts’ content for all that you used to do (in the world)."

  44. Thus do We reward those who are devoted to doing good, aware that God is seeing them.

  45. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  46. Consume (the riches of the world) and enjoy your life but for a little while, for you are criminals, committed to accumulating sin!

  47. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  48. When they are told, "Bow down (before God in humility and worship Him)!" they do not bow down.

  49. Woe on that Day to those who deny!

  50. In what other Word, beyond this (Qur’an), will they believe?


Sura 76Sura 78