Ali Ünal - Sura: 79. An-Nazi'at - Those Who Yearn

  1. By those (angels) who immediately fly out and plunge (with God’s command), and plunge (into fulfilling it);

  2. By those (angels) who move gently and eagerly (because of the command they have received);

  3. By those (angels) who swiftly float (through space to fulfill God’s command);

  4. And so hasten along as if in a race;

  5. And thus fulfill the commands (in the operation of the universe),

  6. (The Last Hour will have come) on the Day when a blast (of the Trumpet) will convulse (the world);

  7. Followed by the succeeding one.

  8. Hearts on that Day will be throbbing in distress;

  9. Their eyes downcast.

  10. Yet, they (the unbelievers) say: "Will we really be restored to our former state (of life)?

  11. "Will we when we have become bones rotten and crumbled away?"

  12. They say (in derision): "Then, that would be a return with loss!"

  13. It will indeed be but a single cry,

  14. And then, they will all have been awakened to life on the plain (of Supreme Gathering).

  15. Has the report of Moses come to you?

  16. When His Lord called out to him in the sacred Valley of Tuwa’:

  17. "Go to the Pharaoh, for he has exceedingly rebelled.

  18. "And say to him: ‘Would you (do you have intent or inclination to) attain to purity?

  19. ‘Then I will guide you to your Lord so you stand in awe of Him (and behave with humility).’ "

  20. He (went to the Pharaoh and) showed him the great sign (the miracle of the Staff).

  21. But the Pharaoh denied (his Messengership) and defied (him).

  22. Thereafter he turned away and set out to struggle (with him).

  23. Then he gathered (his men and hosts), and made a proclamation,

  24. Saying: "I am your Supreme Lord!"

  25. And so God seized him and made an example of him, of punishment in the later and the earlier (life).

  26. For sure, in this there is certainly a lesson for anyone who has awe of and therefore humility before God.

  27. (O humankind!) Are you harder to create or is the heaven? He has built it.

  28. He has raised its vault and put it in an order.

  29. And He obscured its night and brought out its light of day.

  30. And after that He has spread out the earth in the egg-shape (for habitability).

  31. Out of it He has brought forth its waters and its herbage;

  32. And the mountains He has set firm:

  33. (All this) as a means of life for you and your animals.

  34. But when the great overwhelming event comes;

  35. On that Day human will recall (and understand) for what he strove.

  36. And the Blazing Flame will come into view for all who see.

  37. And so, whoever rebelled (against God),

  38. And preferred the life of this world,

  39. The Blazing Flame will be his (final) refuge.

  40. But as for him who lived in awe of his Lord, being ever conscious of His seeing him and of the standing before Him (in the Hereafter), and held back his carnal soul from lusts and caprices,

  41. Surely Paradise will be his (final) refuge.

  42. They ask you (O Messenger) about the Last Hour: "When will it come to anchor?"

  43. But how could you have knowledge about its time,

  44. With your Lord alone rests (the exact knowledge) of its term.

  45. You are only a warner to those who are in awe of it.

  46. It will be, on the Day they see it, as if they had remained (in the world) but for the afternoon (of a day) or its morning.


Sura 78Sura 80