Al-Furqan - The Discrimination - 25:1 (Sura: 25, Verse: 1)

Sura: 24 Verse: 64Sura: 25 Verse: 2

Original Book

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقَانَ عَلَىٰ عَبْدِهِ لِيَكُونَ لِلْعَالَمِينَ نَذِيرًا


Ahmed Ali

BLESSED IS HE who revealed the Criterion (of right and wrong) to His votary that it may be a warning for the world, --


Ali Ünal

Blessed and Supreme is He Who sends down the Criterion in parts on His servant so that he may be a warner to all conscious beings (against the consequences of misguidance).


Amatul Rahman Omar

Blessed is He Who revealed Al-Furqân (- this Qur´ân) to His servant that he may be a Warner to all the peoples.



HALLOWED is He who from on high, step by step, has bestowed upon His servant the standard by which to discern the true from the false, 1  so that to all the world it might be a warning:



Blest be He who hath revealed the Criterion unto His bondman thathe may be unto the worlds a warner.


Faridul Haque

Most Auspicious is He Who has sent down the Furqan (the Criterion – the Holy Qur’an) upon His chosen bondman for him to be a Herald of Warning to the entire world. (Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him – is the Prophet towards all mankind.)


Hamid S. Aziz

Verily, to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. He knows their condition, and the Day when they shall be returned unto Him so that He may inform them of what they did. Allah is Knower of all things.



Blessed (is) Who descended the Separator of Right and Wrong/Koran/Torah on (to) His worshipper/slave to be a warning/notice to the creations all together/(universes).



Blessed is the One Who has revealed Al-Furqan (the criterion to distinguish right from wrong: The Qur'an) to His servant, that he may be a Warner to the worlds;


Maulana Mohammad Ali

now surely Allah’s is whatever is in the heavens and the earth. He knows indeed your condition. And on the day when they are returned to Him, He will inform them of what they did. And Allah is Knower of all things.


Muhammad Sarwar

Blessed is He who has revealed the criteria (for discerning truth from falsehood) to His servant so that He could warn mankind.



Blessed is He Who hath revealed unto His slave the Criterion (of right and wrong), that he may be a warner to the peoples.



Blessed is He Who sent down the Furqan upon His servant that he may be a warner to the nations;


The Noble Koran

Blessed be He Who sent down the criterion (of right and wrong, i.e. this Qur'an) to His slave (Muhammad) that he may be a warner to the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns).


Yusuf Ali

Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures;-


Sura: 24 Verse: 64Sura: 25 Verse: 2