قَالُوا يَا قَوْمَنَا إِنَّا سَمِعْنَا كِتَابًا أُنْزِلَ مِنْ بَعْدِ مُوسَىٰ مُصَدِّقًا لِمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ يَهْدِي إِلَى الْحَقِّ وَإِلَىٰ طَرِيقٍ مُسْتَقِيمٍ
"O our people:" they said: "we have listened to a Book which has come down after Moses, confirming what was (sent down) before it, showing the way to the truth and a path that is straight.
They said: "O our people! We have listened to a Book which has been sent after Moses, confirming (the Divine origin of and the truths that are still contained by) the Revelations prior to it: It guides towards the truth and towards a straight road (in all matters).
They (having gone there) said, `O our people! we have listened to a Book which has been revealed after (the time of) Moses confirming that (divine Scripture) which is before it. It guides to the truth and to the right and straight path.
They said: "O our people! Behold, we have been listening to a revelation bestowed from on high after [that of] Moses, confirming the truth of whatever there still remains [of the Torah]: 39 it guides towards the truth, and onto a straight way.
They said: O our people! verily we have hearkened Unto a Book sent down after Musa, confirming that which was before it, guiding Unto the truth and a straight path.
They said, “O our people! We have indeed heard a Book, sent down after Moosa, which confirms the Books preceding it, and guides towards the Truth and the Straight Path.”
They said, "O our people! We have listened to a Book revealed after Moses verifying that which is before it, guiding to the truth and to a Straight Way:
They said: "You our nation that we heard/listened to a Book (that) was descended from after Moses, confirming to what (is) between his hands, it guides to the truth and to (a) straight/direct road/path ."
They said "O our people! We have just listened to a Book that has been revealed after Musa which is confirming that what came before it, and it guides to the truth and to the Right Way.
And when We turned towards thee a party of the jinn, who listened to the Qur’an; so when they were in its presence, they said: Be silent. Then when it was finished, they turned back to their people warning (them).
and said, "Our people, we have listened to the recitation of a Book revealed after Moses. It confirms the Books revealed before and guides to the Truth and the right path.
They said: O our people! Lo! we have heard a scripture which hath been revealed after Moses, confirming that which was before it, guiding unto the truth and a right road.
They said: O our people! we have listened to a Book revealed after Musa verifying that which is before it, guiding to the truth and to a right path:
They said: "O our people! Verily! We have heard a Book (this Qur'an) sent down after Musa (Moses), confirming what came before it, it guides to the truth and to a Straight Path (i.e. Islam).
They said, "O our people! We have heard a Book revealed after Moses, confirming what came before it: it guides (men) to the Truth and to a Straight Path.